Friday, April 15, 2011

More Office

Yep, that's right...more office pictures. I know you are probably just as excited to see them as I'm excited to be in the office.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Check out this cute online magazine

And this blog!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Office

I have been sooo busy at work, I haven't had time to do anything. I'm so glad my boyfriend cleans our house and does my laundry when I'm busy.

So since I have been spending most of my time at work I thought I would let you guys have a sneak peak at my second home office.

Candle (it sometimes smells like sewer in the offices), awesome mouse pad, post it notes (without these I would forget a lot of things), altoids (people in and out of my office all time for bad breath)
 Picture of Led Zeppelin (have to get the led out), beads, picture of my cousins singing,  calendar, pinwheel that I made (reminds me to always be creative), my name written on a piece of paper (so I won't forget it)
Pen (duh), bottle of water (I drink at least 4 of these while working), redbull (it gives you wings), antibacterial soap (say no to germs), Subway napkin (I eat fresh at least twice a week), mirror (not cool to talk to someone with something hanging out of your nose)

More to come later...